Inclusive Access Information
Inclusive Access Program Information
The Inclusive Access Program adds the cost of digital course materials into students’ tuition and fees. Since the cost of the materials is at or below competitive market rates, Coastal Carolina Community College is able to help reduce the overall cost to students. Beginning on the first day of class, students access their course materials through Blackboard, which is the college’s Learning Management System (LMS). For most courses, a discounted loose-leaf copy of the textbook is available at the college store for students that prefer a physical copy.
Other Important Information
1. The digital course materials, including the e-book and any other assignments chosen for the course will be available through the student’s Blackboard beginning on the first day of class. Please be sure to review any course specific announcements on Blackboard that will provide information on where to locate the materials. Questions related to locating specific information on Blackboard should be directed to the instructor for the course.
2. When registering for a course that utilizes the Inclusive Access Program you will see a “Digital Access Fee (DIGAC).” This charge represents the discounted price of the required digital course materials that will be billed to the student’s account.
3. Inclusive access fees for continuation courses, such as ACC-120/121 and CHM-151/152 are charged per semester. In the past, students who were taking those courses were required to purchase a multi-semester code which was more expensive. Charging per semester saves students money, particularly those who do not have to take the continuation course.
4. All students have the option to opt-out of the program on a course by course basis and choose to purchase their course materials elsewhere. However, most courses in the Inclusive Access program use more than just a digital textbook, they incorporate publisher courseware into their lessons. This courseware usually is a graded component of the course. The bookstore recommends that you confirm this information with the instructor for your course before deciding to opt-out. Typically, you can purchase a physical textbook bundled with access to the associated courseware but it will cost more than the Inclusive Access price we charge students for the same material. If you would like to opt-out of one, or all of your Inclusive Access course materials you will need to visit the bookstore to complete the required form. The opt-out deadline varies based on the length of the course. The Summer 2024 deadlines are as follows: 16-week and First 8-week: TBA 12-week: TBA Second 8-week: TBA. If you “opt-out” by mistake you can “opt-in” again. You must “opt-in” by the same deadlines.
5. Some Federal Student Aid, such as the GI Bill does not allow a “Course Material Fee.” As a result, you will have to pay the digital access fee to remain in good standing with the college. In-person payments are accepted at the Main Campus Business Office, Camp Lejeune and MCAS New River. Payments can also be completed through Web Advisor or by calling the Business office at (910) 938-6342.
6. The tuition waiver for Dual Enrolled (Career and College Promise Program) students does not include digital access fees. As a result, you will have to pay the digital access fee to remain in good standing with the college. In-person payments are accepted at the Main Campus Business Office, Camp Lejeune and MCAS New River. Payments can also be completed through Web Advisor or by calling the Business office at (910) 938-6342.
7. The College Store can provide general information regarding the Inclusive Access Program, assist with obtaining the loose-leaf version the materials (if available) and help students that wish to “opt-out” for a specific course. Course specific questions related to course requirements should be directed to your instructor. Technical assistance with digital materials access can be directed to or your instructor.