Study Guides
The ultimate kitchen tool with answers to your cooking questions at your fingertips, durably laminated, spill and splash proof and expertly written and designed to fit into 6 pages. Experienced author and publisher Cynthia Parzych provides cooking math and cooking methods for a variety of popular foods, every measurement and conversion you will need, portioning per person and much more for any cook at any experience level. It's proven, cooking for yourself and family is healthier, less expensive, and fun to entertain friends and family. This guide can be tucked into a drawer or hung on the refrigerator for the fastest access possible for your cooking needs and without the danger of a phone or tablet swimming in your sauce or sizzling on a burner.
6 page laminated guide includes:Key to Abbreviations Measuring Devices Common Temperatures & Conversions Liquid Measuring Tips Dry Measuring Tips High Altitude The Microwave Dos & Don'ts Cooking Shortcuts Broiling The Slow Cooker Braising Roasting Company for Dinner Cookware Capacities Party Planner Food Storage Substitutions Equivalents Recipe Language: What Does It Mean? A Chef's Pantry
6 page laminated guide includes:
Best-selling guide for over 20 years and an essential companion for students taking chemistry courses of any level, this laminated six page guide is a must-have for reference throughout science courses as a serious study tool and quick refresher for the core concepts, terms, equations and periodic elements. Author and Harvard PhD, Mark D. Jackson, a scientist and university chemistry professor expertly streamlined the complicated subject of chemistry selecting the need-to-know answers for students in our easy QuickStudy outline format with helpful diagrams, graphs, tables, chemical problems, and practical applications. At this low price and durably laminated to last a lifetime, this guide has boosted test scores and grades for students for over 25 years and is guaranteed to do the same for you or your student. This guide is revised as needed and is up-to-date.
6 page laminated guide includes: Periodic Table of the Elements Atomic Structure Atomic Quantum Numbers & Orbitals Types of Matter Reactions Physical Processes Hints for Balancing Equations Nomenclature Stoichiometry: Mole Mass Relationships Chemical Interactions Formal Bonding Models Molecular Properties: Geometry Valence Bond Theory Hybrid Orbitals Chemical Bonding & Quantum Mechanics Behavior of Gases Molecular Orbital Theory Mixtures & Solutions Solids Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Properties of Inorganic Salts Acid-Base Reactions Thermodynamics Equilibrium Kinetics Nuclear Chemistry Measurements & Units
6 page laminated guide includes:
Complete, labeled illustrations of 12 portions of the circulatory system. Illustrations by award-winning medical illustrator Vincent Perez. Chart includes detailed diagrams of:
- veinous system
- arterial system
- circulatory system
- schema: head & neck
- blood circuits
- Circle of Willis
- skull & arteries
- blood vessels
- hepatic portal veins
- coronary arteries & cardiac veins
- arteries of brain
- veinous system
- arterial system
- circulatory system
- schema: head & neck
- blood circuits
- Circle of Willis
- skull & arteries
- blood vessels
- hepatic portal veins
- coronary arteries & cardiac veins
- arteries of brain
Civil law is extending into areas undreamt of just a few years ago, and our study guide helps you stay informed.
Get more out of your cup with this ultimate guide for coffee lovers, geeks, nerds and aficionados. While getting history and a breakdown of growing regions we cover detailed bean characteristics that provide wide taste range, caffeine intensity, bold or light body, high or low acidity to help you make better choices for buying or brewing your own cold or hot coffee drinks that do not need to be prepared at a premium coffee shop. Make these drinks yourself with the right knowledge of beans and the many ways to brew coffee. Our expert food and drink writer packed so many facts into 6 laminated pages, that you can single handedly challenging any coffee snob, nerd or barista making sure you get premium coffee when you decide to pay premium prices.
6-page laminated guide includes:Coffee World History Coffee Growing Growing Regions Roasts & Blends Buying & Storing Coffee Grinding Brewing Coffee Coffee Drink Recipes (by country of origin) Quick Coffee Cocktail Recipes Processed Beans: Flavored & Decaf Health & Lifestyle Benefits & Concerns Café Buying Tips Caffeine Levels With Different Brewing Methods Suggested Uses: Coffee Lovers - DD might be your favorite and you want to know more, like how to make your own better quality coffee for less money Coffee Aficionados & Nerds - A certain expert food and drink writer from San Francisco (pen name used on guide; contractual reasons) covered the widest range of facts in the smallest amount of space so well, that it should be a Guinness World Record Give Away - no matter your business, coffee is the fuel that keeps many going, so a free guide given to clients at an office or trade show will be better than a pen or squeeze ball
6-page laminated guide includes:
Brush up on your first year of college-level math with our new College Algebra guide! Pinpointed essentials of college algebra are covered in our easy-to-access format that includes succinct explanations of step-by-step problem solving, as well as the related mathematical rules. Whether you are in high school or college, taking the course for your first time or tackling higher-level math, this guide is an essential resource for reviewing this fundamental area of mathematics.
Step-by-step outline of the U.S. system for investigating & prosecuting criminal offenses - from arrest to disposition.
Our comprehensive, 3-panel guide examines in detail the many experts and their theories that have made criminology a prominent field of study. Color-coded sections and up-to-date information make learning about this subject a breeze!
Perfect for this student nurse!"Seriously, I love this book. It has already helped me ace 2 assignments! Definitely a must-have for student nurses."--Amy L., Online Student Reviewer SAFETY FIRST WITH 'CURE & CARE'!
Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses(R), Eighteenth Edition delivers everything you need to administer medications safely across the lifespan--643 well-organized monographs encompassing hundreds of generic drugs and thousands of trade names. Its nursing-focused Cure & Care' approach explains what the drug does and describes what the nurse does and how the nursing process relates to the pharmacotherapeutics. BONUS! FREE DIGITAL ACCESS
An access code inside new, printed texts unlocks your one-year, FREE 1-year subscription to, Davis's Drug Guide Online, powered by Unbound Medicine, information on more than 5,000 trade names and generic drugs, as well as audio pronunciations and color photographs, all updated regularly. LIFE-SAVING GUIDANCE AT A GLANCEIn-depth coverage of patient safety, red tab for high-alert medications, red, capitalized letters for life-threatening side effects, and REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies) icon Special considerations for patient populations Icon highlighting pharmacogenomic content IV administration coverage Patient and family teaching guidance Canadian-specific content identified with a maple leaf icon
FREE ONLINE LEARNING, CARE PLANNING & PATIENT EDUCATION TOOLSAudio Pronunciation Library of 1,200+ drug names Tutorials with self-tests, Preventing Medication Errors and Psychotropic Drugs Calculators for body mass index (BMI), metric conversions, IV drip rates, dosage/KG and Fahrenheit/Celsius. Interactive Case Studies, each followed by a series of questions Eight audio podcasts covering must-know information, concepts, and considerations for safe drug administration Video clips illustrating the safe administration of medications
Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses(R), Eighteenth Edition delivers everything you need to administer medications safely across the lifespan--643 well-organized monographs encompassing hundreds of generic drugs and thousands of trade names. Its nursing-focused Cure & Care' approach explains what the drug does and describes what the nurse does and how the nursing process relates to the pharmacotherapeutics. BONUS! FREE DIGITAL ACCESS
An access code inside new, printed texts unlocks your one-year, FREE 1-year subscription to, Davis's Drug Guide Online, powered by Unbound Medicine, information on more than 5,000 trade names and generic drugs, as well as audio pronunciations and color photographs, all updated regularly. LIFE-SAVING GUIDANCE AT A GLANCE
Loaded with meticulously detailed, beautifully illustrated structures of the human dental anatomy and the surrounding systems that support its function, clearly and concisely labeled for easy identification. Illustrations by award-winning and best-selling medical illustrator Vincent Perez, whose life mission is cataloging the beauty and detail of our complicated body systems for the medical professional, the formative student and the inquisitive layperson.
Suggested uses:
o Dental Students & Hygienists - handy and incredibly thorough reference that is compact and easily reviewed on a daily basis
o Dentists - what any professional office needs for reference while consulting patients, also leave guides in offices to look over while patients wait
o Parents - can show kids where their adult teeth are hiding when losing teeth, plus to emphasize the importance of taking care of their mouth and teeth
o Patient - use guide to locate sources of pain for reporting to your dentist
Suggested uses:
o Dental Students & Hygienists - handy and incredibly thorough reference that is compact and easily reviewed on a daily basis
o Dentists - what any professional office needs for reference while consulting patients, also leave guides in offices to look over while patients wait
o Parents - can show kids where their adult teeth are hiding when losing teeth, plus to emphasize the importance of taking care of their mouth and teeth
o Patient - use guide to locate sources of pain for reporting to your dentist