Study Guides
Our best-selling Accounting 2 guide has now gotten even better, thanks to the latest up-to-date information added to the original text. The new material within this 3-panel (6 page) guide goes further into the various accounting practices that businesses use to keep financially afloat; mathematical equations, charts, and tables are also included in an easy-to-use format.
For a subject that is a challenge at all levels of education, this chart covers principles for basic algebra, intermediate algebra and college algebra courses.
Algebra 2 is the advanced QuickStudy guide specially designed for students who are already familiar with Algebra 1.
This useful guide presents different key facts about each of the 50 states that make up America.
This comprehensive guide covers major events in American literature, ranging from the 18th century to the 20th century.
Illustrations by award-winning medical illustrator Vincent Perez.