The College Store

Bookstore FAQ


How do I find my textbooks?

  • You'll want to begin by selecting our Textbook Lookup tab. On this page, you'll select your academic term either Fall, Spring, or Summer for degree students or Continuing Education for Continuing Education students. After selecting your term, you'll select your department, course, and section. When you arrive at the "section" portion all of the book information will be available to you, to include the ISBN, title, and the cost in our store. You can then select the book and add it to your cart to checkout on our website.

When is the College Store open?

  • The College Store is open Monday-Thursday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and Friday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. Please refer to Coastal Carolina Community College's official calendar for the holiday observation schedule.

Do I already have an account with the College Store website?

  • No. You will be prompted to create an account AFTER placing your first order on our website.

My course is an Inclusive Access course, what does that mean?

I'm taking an online science lab, can my lab kit be shipped?

  • Yes, shipping charges are calculated at checkout. Due to the size and weight of some lab kits shipping charges may be extremely expensive. Store pick up for lab kits is available immediately following registration, although some lab kits may not be availabe until a few weeks before the beginning of the semester. 

I placed an order, when will my books be shipped?

  • UPS picks up from the college once per day. Orders are usually received by UPS the business day after the order is placed. For example, if you place the order on Monday UPS will likely not receive the order until Tuesday.

Where is the College Store located on campus?

  • The College Store is located in the Student Services building in the middle of campus. Please see the map below.

Campus Map 2022 Bookstore